A Physics kind-of-God (Part 1 of 2)

Quanta particle: Proof of God?

Is Energy God?

Energy constitutes matter, constitutes our thoughts, constitutes virtually everything within the universe, and has been an active player since the universe’s creation. Could energy, therefore, be considered “God”?

It’s certainly a question that merits investigation. But to better understand energy, we first have to take a fleeting tour through the realm of quantum physics.

What Quantum Physics Has to Say

Quantum Physics, simply put, is the study of matter and energy at very small levels. “Quanta particles” (energy particle/wave packets) form atoms, and since atoms form molecules, quanta particles comprise everything.

However, here the logic breaks down, for quanta particles do not behave logically. For instance, although two objects can never influence one another immediately, since the quickest speed available is the speed of light—which is not immediate, photons freed from atoms do influence each other immediately, and they do so even over large spatial distances.

What does this indicate? Well, according to a number of physicists, among them Hans-Peter Dürr, former head of the Max Panck Institute for Physics in Munich,  American Prof. Amit Goswami, and Michael König, author The Physics of God , this  implies that quanta energy operates within a higher/quicker dimension of time and space–one that they’ve dubbed hyperspace.

An interesting aside: Some even go so far as to call this hyperspace “heaven”—although, this is merely conjecture.

How about Consciousness? Is it God?

A second rather interesting conjecture stems from the role that consciousness plays within the quantum world.  In a famous experiment called “the double slit experiment”, quanta particles displayed characteristics of both waves and particles, their ultimate behavior depending on the perception of an observer.

Because of this, Dr. Robert Lanza of stem cell research fame, believes that life creates the universe, rather than the other way around. In other words, he believes that “reality is a process that requires our consciousness.”

In his estimation, the brain itself does not produce consciousness. Instead, it acts as a filter through which a type of consciousness that we possess in a nonphysical dimension narrows into a type better suited for the more constrained, physical dimension in which our bodies exist.

In fact, German quantum physicist Michael König asserts that consciousness is the center of the universe, and that everything develops from it. Likewise, physicist Amit Goswami, who wrote The Conscious Universe, describes everything in the cosmos as belonging together, to one consciousness, to God. (He ties this to Hindu philosophy, in which consciousness is viewed as the primary substance of the cosmos, and can be viewed as God.)

In sum: Quantum physics is putting a new spin on religion. Since our own consciousness affects quanta energy packets, this implies to some highly credentialed physicists that Consciousness affected the original creation of the cosmos.

If this is the case, then we are all products of that Consciousness, and to some extent, are fellow participants in its ongoing creativity through the consciousness that we ourselves manifest. In other words, God now has a scientific basis, and has extended from a monotheistic entity to one that includes us. We are all God.

The challenge is knowing what to do with this knowledge. How do we grow from it? Can we become closer to the Primal Consciousness—and if so, how?

No universal answers to that, I’m afraid, but there are some floating around. And I’ll go into them, as well as into other science related issues in my next post.